Quite a lot of firepower, but it doesn't look overloaded. Awesome.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Corvani Z-40 GLAIVE
Unique spaceship designs in Lego are always an added plus to the MOC. This one's definetly plenty unique. I can't even find the cockpit, but that's okay, because it's an alien craft. And alien craft have strange mechanics that I wouldn't understand. Anyway, here's nate_decastro's Corvani Z-40 GLAIVE, edited beautifully for your view pleasure.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
A collaborative build by Blake Baer and Jack Bittner, this Lord of the Rings creation is just ASTOUNDING! The builders even give you a size scale, to show you how big this really is!
The amount of detail they managed to achieve in this build is magnificent, all the little details really add up to this moc. From the goats on top of the mountain, the magnificent statues, the bear clawing at the tree, and the little birds nest are awesome details! I am truly amazed at what some people can do, using the gift that God has given to them, it is truly inspiring. Well done both of you, and looking forward to the next collaborative build, whenever that comes about! View this spectacular creation on MOCpages and flickr!
Saturday, November 30, 2013
It's Only a Flesh Wound!
Sadly, I must admit I've never watched Monty Python. But that's the quote that came to mind when I saw this.
Accidents Happen, by cmaddison
Accidents Happen, by cmaddison
Everything is so perfect here, the wall, the soldier's expressions, and the broken wheel. Oh, and the squished soldier. But that's a little morbid, right? Right? *echo*
Sigh. Ah well, it's still hilarious!
Friday, November 22, 2013
STG Fighter/Bomber
Red Spacecat's newest creation is heavy, tough, and awesome. While I am disappointed to say I am too young to have seen Classic Space around, I absolutely love it. The blue/ (traditionally) lt. grey go so well together, and when a builder puts them together well it's a beautiful MOC that is the result.
STG Fighter/Bomber
A squadron of these over a city would be a terrifying sight. I'd certainly be indoors in a bunker.
STG Fighter/Bomber
A squadron of these over a city would be a terrifying sight. I'd certainly be indoors in a bunker.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
The Lonely House
Olive green is a wonderful thing. The olive green trees here, for instance, help give the atmosphere a darker feel in my opinion, but still keep it looking alive. I love the juxtaposition of the hard-working man carrying the logs versus the man sitting against the fence drinking wine. Hilarious!
Brick Vader's The Lonely House
That axe technique is perfect. I'm going to have to remember that.
Brick Vader's The Lonely House
That axe technique is perfect. I'm going to have to remember that.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
It looks like we have some catching up to do. And so here we go.
Wiseman_Lego's Vega General Purpose Ship
Great angles going on here, and the mid section breaks up the white/ orange sections beautifully.
Toltomeja's Senneora
That rockwork must have been so tedious, but it's so good. And the angles going on with the castle on it are just awesome.
Pasukaru's T-74
Complexity isn't everything, as Pascal so nicely demonstrates here.
Sergeant Chipmunk's Learning the Trade

Rockwork is something I struggle with, so I was very happy to see this beautiful example of it in my contacts this morning.
Nate Decastro's Vic Viper BP - 5963
Since it's Nnovvember, how could I not include a Vic Viper? I confess I've never played any games with VVs in them, but this is one sweet starfighter. The splash of orange for the cockpit is great.
And with that, we wrap up this week's "catch-up" post... hopefully there won't be another.
Wiseman_Lego's Vega General Purpose Ship
Great angles going on here, and the mid section breaks up the white/ orange sections beautifully.
Toltomeja's Senneora
That rockwork must have been so tedious, but it's so good. And the angles going on with the castle on it are just awesome.
Pasukaru's T-74
Complexity isn't everything, as Pascal so nicely demonstrates here.
Sergeant Chipmunk's Learning the Trade
Rockwork is something I struggle with, so I was very happy to see this beautiful example of it in my contacts this morning.
Nate Decastro's Vic Viper BP - 5963
Since it's Nnovvember, how could I not include a Vic Viper? I confess I've never played any games with VVs in them, but this is one sweet starfighter. The splash of orange for the cockpit is great.
And with that, we wrap up this week's "catch-up" post... hopefully there won't be another.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Leonardo Da Brick: Bases and Borders

Leonardo Da Brick: Bases and Borders: Have you ever wondered how the top builders get that "finished" look? Well, this guide will help you build your own unique and mas...
J-Rod Smith posted this very interesting tutorial on Bases and Borders, I was honored to have some of my mocs as examples. He did a fantastic job, check it out!
The Throne Room
Some crazy awesome details here. The wall, the throne, but the candlestick blows me away. Just take a look, see for yourself.
Beautiful, Digger1221.
Beautiful, Digger1221.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
There Was an Old Man
That's what came to mind when I saw this, since the cottage is so crooked. But hey, it's quite effective here.
The rockwork, the sagging roof, the boards on the front, it all works together to make one heck of a sweet MOC. Nicely done, David.
The rockwork, the sagging roof, the boards on the front, it all works together to make one heck of a sweet MOC. Nicely done, David.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Caught on Camera
These wonderful pictures are done by Leda Kat, and are extremely wonderful! The lego scenes themselves are not only amazing, but the ghost in each one is just eye catching! I love every different build, here are a few more:
How she made the ghost see through is astonishing! Even though it was photoshopped, she did an excellent job of it, making it still look clean, and perfect. She certainly did a lot of them, and made each picture special in its own way. Check out the full set of pictures on MOCpages!
Narnia: Ambush at the Waterfall
This eye catching scene is built by Simon S., and is just wonderful to look at. This is one of my favorite scenes from Narnia, and Simon did a fantastic job recreating it in Lego! The falling waterfall is wonderful, and that wolf design is fantastic! His trees are also fantastic, and the border just completes this spectacular creation! View it on MOCpages and flickr!
Millennium Falcon
This is probably one of the best forced perspective creations I have ever seen. Built by Blake Baer, he pays attention to every small detail. All the different ships in the background are awesome! His control panel is very accurate, and well built! His windshield is super accurate, and the design is awesome as well. There are to many awesome details to list, you have to check it out for yourself, on MOCpages and flickr!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Cair Paravel
This wonderful build is built by my good friend Paul Vermeesch and local elementary students for the C.S. Lewis festival in Petoskey, Michigan. This large diorama of the Narnian Castle of Cair Paravel is just beautiful to look at! The angles achieved in this build are wonderful, I really like all the different sections, and the rockwork is amazing! The cheese slope beach is a fantastic idea! There are tons of wonderful details, to many to list them all. Check it out for yourself on flickr!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Good Things Come in Small Packages
Well, if you can call a 32x32 small. What I was referring to was that this build is microscale. There's a contest going on over at the Classic-Castle Forums in which you have to build a microscale castle, no bigger than 32x32. I've entered, but my entry was disqualified due to non-purist elements used, so I'm building madly trying to finish another entry without those elements. Toltomeja doesn't seem to have been rushed, and it shows. I love this.
The fact that the walls aren't even straight is awesome.
The fact that the walls aren't even straight is awesome.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Don't Compare Yourself, They Say
I say, when I see something like this, I can't help but compare my Ferkel to spook's Ferkel. Mine pales completely in comparison.
Here is mine (shameless self-promotion, I know. It's for a good cause.):
And here is Tim's amazing version:
Please, take your pick. I pick Tim's, myself. Plus that little SAFS is the icing on the cake.
Here is mine (shameless self-promotion, I know. It's for a good cause.):
And here is Tim's amazing version:
Please, take your pick. I pick Tim's, myself. Plus that little SAFS is the icing on the cake.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Phew. I was getting worried.
After Calin's amazing show last year, I was hoping he'd do something like it again this year. Alas, his love of rat rods was too great, and he spent the last month creating some sweet rides, one of which we've blogged here. But to my surprise and joy, he's managed one Ma.K creation for this year, and I'm hoping he'll still make a couple more.
SAFS spAce
That helmet combination is genius.
SAFS spAce
That helmet combination is genius.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
This creation is just a monster! Look at the size! Amazing work here, this is built by Marco Tagliaferri, and is just mind blowing! With 25 geared points of articulation, it has many different poses, as you can see by the pictures! I love the washing the dishes, but that throwing pose just takes the cake! Check out this jaw dropping monster creation on flickr!
This will be displayed at the 10th annual Bricking Bavaria this November in Munich.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Clean and Simple
Clean and simple. A perfect example of this statement are these two MOCs:
Lake Worth Gold Mine, by Fianat
A Safe Haven, by General JJ
Both (well, technically there are three) of them went all the way to add a beautiful border to the edge that compliments them perfectly.
Bravo, you guys.
Lake Worth Gold Mine, by Fianat
A Safe Haven, by General JJ
Both (well, technically there are three) of them went all the way to add a beautiful border to the edge that compliments them perfectly.
Bravo, you guys.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Bricknerd Episode 107
The next episode of BrickNerd is out! Look at some fantastic new mocs, a couple reviews on new sets, and get the latest news, including news on Brickcon! Even a video on Brickcon!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Creation's For Charity Sale Starts Today!
The fifth annual Creations for Charity sale starts today! From now until the end of November, you can buy a custom creation to help raise money to buy Lego sets for underprivileged children. These creations are all built and donated by the fans, and there’s more to come throughout the sale. Anyone can donate a creation before November 15th by visiting creationsforcharity.org and submitting a donations form. Take a look at some of the creations for sale so far:
Monday, October 14, 2013
Letholdus Cottage
Built by yours truly (me, Matthew Oh), this is probably one of my best creation!
I built this as part of a backstory build for Guild of Historica over on Eurobricks.
I am extremely happy with this creation, and it was tons of fun to build as well!
The design at the bottom of the house, using the studs is by Luke Watkins, you should check him out!
More pictures on MOCpages!
This awesome creation is built by Riccardo Zangelmi, and is just epicness! I love the lighting setup, and the whole creation just makes you brain go wacko. It looks like the real art by ESCHER, except in LEGO form! Well done Riccardo! View it on MOCpages!
Spirit of Bonneville
Angka Utama is back with another car. This time, it isn't his usual stuff. Normally he's making slick racing cars, but today it's an older, more antique-looking car. While personally I wouldn't photograph yellow on white, obviously Angka knows how to do it and make it look good.
Quite a cool-looking car.
Quite a cool-looking car.
Friday, October 11, 2013
To Maschinen Krieger... and Beyond!
This beauty by Sydag is exactly what I'd want to build if I that much white and red. Since I don't, I'll just sit back and admire it. I suggest you do the same.
(Aren't you glad you did, now?)
(Aren't you glad you did, now?)
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Tiger Mosaic
Now THIS is totally impressive, and mind blowing! Build by JamesUniverse, this fantastic mosaic has left my jaw on the floor! What a work of art! So detailed! I love the realistic look of this mosaic, the farther you look, the better it gets! Check out this masterful, wonderful, and magnificent mosaic on MOCpages!
Ma.K. Eggeater
Before you ask, I have no idea where it got that name. I looked it up. But regardless of where the name came from, this is still an awesome MOC. The angles are quite difficult on the original Eggeater model, so the fact that CaptainInfinity was able to capture it so well is quite cool.
The simple sand blue color on the side piece (is it an arm? I don't really know) is perfect, and an added plus is the PKA ausf.F Fliege (the little mech-type thing).
The simple sand blue color on the side piece (is it an arm? I don't really know) is perfect, and an added plus is the PKA ausf.F Fliege (the little mech-type thing).
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Odd colors, meet tardisblue.
You know, I never dreamed purple, olive green, and yellow could go together so well on a spaceship. Apparently tardisblue knew they did. Shows what I know.
The missile pods balance the dual back fins well, and the landing gear is perfect. As a side note, this was judged Best Spaceship at BrickCon 2013. Congratulations, tardisblue!
The missile pods balance the dual back fins well, and the landing gear is perfect. As a side note, this was judged Best Spaceship at BrickCon 2013. Congratulations, tardisblue!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Creations for Charity
The fifth annual Creations for Charity is now accepting donations of Lego creations from anyone wanting to help raise money to buy Lego for underprivileged children. From now until November 15th, anyone can donate a Lego creation for sale in the fundraiser. All you have to do is fill out a form and be prepared to ship the creation directly to the buyer. For the budget builders, you can still choose to be reimbursed for the cost of making your creation, and as usual there are unique gifts to reward your help. It is always my pleasure to invite you to participate in the Lego community’s tradition of giving back!
Sunday, October 6, 2013
This eye catching moc built by Bart De Dobbelaer is just marvelous! The in this amazing diorama are fantastic! From the walker, scout, and armadillo vehicles to the fantastic curvature angles, this piece just screams of detail! I especially love the vehicles, they alone are spectacularly built! There are so many more details to note, but you have to check it out for yourself, on flickr!
Saturday, October 5, 2013
All right, I admit it.
I'm really liking Maschinen Krieger. Last year, I disliked it, but I suspect it's because I couldn't make any of the designs. I was too lazy to make an SAFS, didn't feel like trying to get the odd curves on some of the Ma.K. vehicles and ended up doing something non-canon. Which turned out terribly, with terrible photography. This year, I am trying to redeem myself. So it's natural I look up designs and other people's Lego Ma.K. stuff. While going through my contacts this morning, I found this beauty.
Ma.K. Zerstover, by CaptainInfinity
Apparently this design is incredibly rare, which would explain why I didn't find looking for designs. I'm sure glad Logan found it, otherwise we wouldn't have this sweet MOC.
Ma.K. Zerstover, by CaptainInfinity
Apparently this design is incredibly rare, which would explain why I didn't find looking for designs. I'm sure glad Logan found it, otherwise we wouldn't have this sweet MOC.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Tiinusu X tres - Recon Class
Fredoichi's creations have always been a source of wonder to me. They're so clean, well-photographed, and beautifully executed. This mech is no exception, in fact, it's a perfect example of his work.
Look at that awesome design. The feet are spectacular, the legs are sweet and the color blocking is just perfect.
Look at that awesome design. The feet are spectacular, the legs are sweet and the color blocking is just perfect.
Passing Sherwood
This is a fantastic example of NPU (Nice Piece Usage). Built by LL Lolino, it just catches your eye, with tons of fantastic details! Using horns as white water, it gives it a wonderful look, and the round base makes it even better! Great landscaping, and tons of little detail puts this over the top! View it on MOCpages!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
LCC - Escaping the Queens Castle
This beautiful scene is built by Justin M, and is a fantastic example of forced perspective, and atmosphere! The whole scene just looks impressive, and if you look closely it is! :D The castle in the background looks well built, but is blurry enough so that you focus in on the character in the front, which is the main idea. He also has a second little scene in the comments, which also portrays a fantastic atmosphere. Check out this wonderful creation on flickr!
He's Back!
Yes, Calin is back. I have a special place in my heart for hot rods and antique cars, even if I don't consider myself an auto nerd. His BMW-Powered 1928 Ford Model A is such a cool car I couldn't resist blogging it. The photography, as is expected from him, is beautiful and the model is as good as it can get, as far as I can tell.
Lovely, _Tiler, just lovely.
Lovely, _Tiler, just lovely.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Ma.Ktober has started! Out of the gate in a tie for first place is billyburg and LEGOLIZE IT MAN!
billyburg has a beautiful SAFS, with perfect color blocking.
LEGOLIZE IT MAN's creation is a Dront grá, with awesome greebling and a great presentation.
You decide who wins!
billyburg has a beautiful SAFS, with perfect color blocking.
LEGOLIZE IT MAN's creation is a Dront grá, with awesome greebling and a great presentation.
You decide who wins!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Lego Helms Deep
What an eye popper! This is just jaw dropping! Look at the size of this masterful creation! Brought to you by Goel and Big J, this is just astonishing! There are over 150,000+ minifigs! I am overwhelmed by the size of it! The rockwork is extremely awesome, and the Deeping Wall is fantastic! Not to mention the well built stairs going up to the gate, or the Gigantic Hornburg towering above everything! I could go on and on on details! Well done, well done I say! View it on MOCpages!
Monday, September 30, 2013
They See Us Rolling
Rolling right on through SHIPtember. All these great SHIPs by all these great builders.
And now, in no particular order.
Tyler's AF-80 Cheyenne
4estFeller's P H O E N I X
Pierre E Fieschi's Ultaran Customs Officer Corvette
A collaborative SHIP between Ian Spacek, Paul Vermeesch, and Max Pointer: the M.I.P. Pistrix

And last, but not least is
John Stephen's U.K.N. "Hailstorm" Battlecruiser
(Now you're all wondering who's SHIP is the least, aren't you?)
Phew. That was a lot of cutting and pasting. Anyway, there you have it. All of my favorite SHIPs from this month. I might have a couple more tomorrow, due to time zones and all that stuff, but this is it for now. Here's to next SHIPtember, and with that we roll right into Ma.Ktober in an hour and 20 minutes, EST!
And now, in no particular order.
Tyler's AF-80 Cheyenne
4estFeller's P H O E N I X
Pierre E Fieschi's Ultaran Customs Officer Corvette
A collaborative SHIP between Ian Spacek, Paul Vermeesch, and Max Pointer: the M.I.P. Pistrix
And last, but not least is
John Stephen's U.K.N. "Hailstorm" Battlecruiser
(Now you're all wondering who's SHIP is the least, aren't you?)
Phew. That was a lot of cutting and pasting. Anyway, there you have it. All of my favorite SHIPs from this month. I might have a couple more tomorrow, due to time zones and all that stuff, but this is it for now. Here's to next SHIPtember, and with that we roll right into Ma.Ktober in an hour and 20 minutes, EST!
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